Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Rights and Responsibilities Of The Bullying

What is the Bullying.

Bullying is when a person or a group of people behaves in an immoral way which is hurtful ,cruel or discrimination for others and it may occurs in schools , internet or workplaces.

The Rights:

First, each student has the right to feel safe in  a school , so if he/she is being bullied they have to talk to the School-Counsellor,Teachers or Parents to seek support and help.
If schools have not been able to stop bullying , students have to write or contact the Regional Manager of the Department of Education and Training.

secound, people who are being bullied by SMS, Mails , Blogs ,Chatrooms which is called (Cyber Bullying) have the right to feel safe so they can contact LifeLine 131114 , Kids Help Line 1800551800, and they should block the sender but they have to keep all the messages as an evidence.
in addition , they have report any incident of online harrassment and physical threats to the police and the Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Moreover, employees have the right to feel safe and secure in their workplace. In case they have been bullied they have to refer that to their employer but if the employer dose not do anything to eliminate the bullying then it might be a criminal offence and the employee can contact the police or Work Health and Safety in this case.


Principls,Employers ,Parents ,Students and the community must work  collaboratively with each other to eliminate and decrease the bullying from the society besides,they have to ensure that everyone respects the other and accepts the individul differences within the School , Workplace, Internet and the community.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Nelson Mandela

 1918  he was born .

 1942 qualified in law .
 1944 he joined the African National Congress.
 1948 he was engaged in resistance against the ruling National Party's
      apartheid policies .

 1956-1961 he went on trial for treason .

 1960  he banned from the ANC .
 1960, he elected President of the ANC.

 1961 he was acquitted .
 1961 the ANC  considered his proposal on the use of violent tactics

 1962 Mandela was arrested  and sentenced to five years.
 1963,  he brought to stand trial with another leaders.            
 1964, he were sentenced to life imprisonment.
 1964 - 1982 he was incarcerated at Robben Island Prison

 1990 he was released .
 1991  the first national conference of the ANC held inside South Africa.

 He was widely accepted as the most significant black leader in South Africa 
 and became a potent symbol of resistance as the anti-apartheid movement  
 gathered strength

 Mandela became the President of the ANC,2011
URL []

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Preventing Kids FAlling

Many children are falling from windows or balconies and they are suffering from serious injureous  and some of them never recover   again.
The most age at risk is between one and five years old. So,people have to apply some instructions and precautions to safe children's life  and  parents can seek advise from local council or loal hardware about the best methods to make the windows safer.


Researchs show the number of falling children are increased  rapidly , so we have to raise the level of awarness for parents and advise them how to protect their chidren .

Source: parramatta Advertiser wednesday , April 6 , 2011  p, 35

Health - The Obesity

The obesity is un burned calories accumulated in a body which can led to significant  health's problem.

The reasons for obesity in children are unhealthy food choices, lack of physical activity and family eating habits.

The obesity is spread worldwild its not just a national problem.

Statistics show  from 1985 to 1995 the number of overweight 7–15 year olds almost doubled. The numbers of obese children has more than tripled. At the current rate, it is predicted that 65 per cent of young Australians will be overweight or obese by 2020.
(obesity in children has being increasing since 1985).

Changes of  life busy style which led people to eat more and be less active.

Obesity have potential health problems such as : Diabetes disease ,Orthopaedic disorders ., heart problems.etc

Other compact cused by obesty  is how  children feel about themselves and how they interact with others
its make them to be low self-esteem ,bullied from others.

The treatment contact Practising Dietitian, Dietitians Association of Australia .

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


In feburary 2011 , new group of students start the new course in English  to develop thier skills in different areas such as : writing-skills , reading-skills, listening-skills and speaking-skills.

All the students have plans after they finish this course .Some of them will countinuing thier studies at TAFE and the others will go to the universty.

We wish the best for all of them